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How Did We Get Here: Examining the Rise of Gender Identity Ideology and Its Impact on Women and Girls
March 5, 2022


Renee Gerlich is a feminist writer from New Zealand whose work can be found on Feminist Current, Savage Minds, and her blog, In 2021 she founded Dragon Cloud Press to publish her Brief Complete Herstory, an illustrated herstory of the world from the birth of life to neoliberalism that is available at


Cherry Smiley is a feminist, artist, and researcher from the Nlaka'pamux (Thompson) and Diné (Navajo) Nations. With other women, she works to end male violence against women. She is in the final stages of completing a PhD  in communication studies at Concordia University where her thesis examines the prostitution of Indigenous women in Canada as a form of male violence and proposes a female-centered definition of colonization and decolonizing feminism. She is the founder and executive director of Women’s Studies Online, a platform for decolonizing feminist research, education, action, and community-building.


We offer this link to an article that we think provides important information about one element of how we got here – the funding of the ideology.  Renee and Cherry won’t be speaking specifically to this aspect of the question, but we thought you’d find this information of interest.  It was published in an online media outlet that is known for being right wing.  Don’t let that deter you.  Before very recently, it was incredibly difficult for feminists and those who questioned Gender Identity Ideology to find venues for their research and analysis.

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